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Preparing For Client Meetings

25 Feb

You know when you drink excessively at an incredibly boring Sunday night party and then take a sleeping pill (or 2 – you have a big meeting in the morning!), you pass out in approximately 2.3 minutes but then wake up at 4 am with the mother of all headaches and a tongue that feels like a marmoset with your clothes still on and two mascara rings on your pillow? No? Me either.

I Just Want To Take A Nap

10 Feb

Is that too much to ask? Why do I have to go watch the stupid ass Pro Bowl? Like anyone really cares about that game. I might as well start drinking now to preempt any boredom which I might suffer.

You’ve all probably seen the new IKEA bedroom commercials, but check out the microsite. Just as good as their kitchen one. Fabulous video work, beautiful editing, nice sound design. Can only assume this was done by the same shops: Forsman & Bodenfors/Camp David/Kokokaka, but not quite sure.

IKEA Bedroom

Reminds Me of Last Night…

22 Jan

…and I don’t want to be reminded of that. Luckily, I can’t remember much anyway. When I started drinking Jameson neat with a Guinness chaser, I should have known I was in trouble. Good times. Ad by Psyop/Stink/BBDO Dublin. As always, Psyop is amazing.

Psyop Guinness
(via Glossy)

I’ll Stick With My Hangover Remedy. Thanks Though.

10 Jan

I’m pretty sure this is the transvestite hooker I see hanging out by the burrito place down the street.

(via AdverBox)

Light. Bad. Head. Hurts.

4 Jan

Never go to the gym totally dehydrated and then drink 5 glasses of wine afterwards. You will feel like ass. Trust me.

Speaking of…you have to give it to American Apparel. They’re consistent. “The Tap Panty.” HA!

The Tap Panty
(via Adrants)

Love Vodka. Hate Ad.

22 Dec

Love me some vodka. LOVE it. In fact, I just had 4 Stoli rocks. And they were good. Screw that not drinking for a while idea I had earlier in the day. So while I was out at this joint down the street drinking said vodka rocks, I decided to try Absolut Pears. More like Absolut Shite. Only tried it because I saw this billboard ad on adrants earlier today. Don’t see what pears have to do with snakes. But I’m sure there’s some tie in. If I drink one more vodka, I’m sure I’ll get it.

Absolut Pears

Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That

8 Dec

Another print ad for Canadian Club by Energy BBDO. I like this campaign, actually. What I really like is the guy in the blue shirt on the boat. He’s some kind of sexual and it ain’t metro. Just look at him checking out sunglass guy’s ass. Next time you go fishing with your buddies, keep your tackle in your box.


(via The Hidden Persuader)

An Alcoholic Tart

1 Dec

This has nothing to do with anything, but this little interactive site, called The Booze Test, is fun (if too easy). Apparently, I drink too much. But we knew this already. I was buzzed even before I left the shop last night and had to physically restrain myself from drunk texting at 11pm. Ah, the holiday season is upon us.

Booze Test

Tart Tolerance

23 Nov

It’s that time of year when client-facing people like me have to take all their accounts out for holiday cheer. I cut back a little on my drinking recently, to detox before the onslaught. I thought I’d lost my tolerance. But after taking clients out on Monday afternoon and drinking very heavily (and by that I mean 10 hours of liquored-up goodness), I think I still have the goods. Bring it on. I’m ready.

This site for Wyborowa vodka by W+K Amsterdam is fabulous. Perfectly executed. Superb video work. Makes me thirsty. I think I’ll drink that bottle of ultra-premium vodka I just bought for a client instead of giving it to him. I’ll get him something a desktop clock..something he can use.


(via The FWA)

A Discombobulated, Caffeinated Mess

30 Oct

Take this with a grain of salt, because I have a slight inclination to be irritated by everything Digitas does. MediaPost has an article out today about the relaunch of a site for Sparks, a caffeinated alcoholic drink by SAB Miller. Upon first glance, the site looks cool – nav is fun, if you absolutely love Google Maps, and the illustrations are a little funky. It stops there. The interactivity lacks a certain je ne sais quois. And, je ne sais quois what that is, but it’s missing something. For example, I clicked through to watch all the semi-entertaining videos, but there were a ton of other things I expected to be clickable, and nothing. Rien. And when I said “semi-entertaining videos”, I lied a little.  What I really like is the copy, “Where do I get my hands on some cans?” Because everyone loves sexual innuendo.

Sparks Miller

Tart Schedule

30 Oct

I’m traveling the rest of the week, and will probably post some between meetings and wining and dining clients. Who the hell am I kidding? I’m not wining and dining clients – I’m going to be wining and dining myself at the hotel bar. Anyway, don’t expect anything remotely interesting, because I can barely do that when I’m in the office.

I absolutely adore this spot for Yellow Tail wine – different. And great job targeting a younger demo by Cramer Krasselt /Hampel Stefanides.

(via Advertolog)

Early Morning Martinis

18 Sep

Just a thought. This flash site for Absolut featuring Lomo photography from around the world is simply beautiful. And don’t get me started on the ambient sound design – I’m just leaving it on at my desk all day even though it’s only a 7 second loop. Very, very nicely done.
