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Talent Provided Shoes

28 Jan

I like this banner by Glue for Virgin Money. Needs a little more set-up, but it’s kind of funny. The only things that are a little weird are the guy’s shoes, which were obviously not wardrobed and the shadowing at the bottom of the plant. A little tricky to get that right, I know.

Virgin Money Plant

Lather Me Up

22 Jan

How fabulous is this over the page ad Soap did for the film Jumper? It’s running on NineMSN right now – and just for a couple more days, I think. I wish more networks in the US would allow creative like this – especially on portal home pages (you know, for when your dumbass client wants to do an $400k ego buy) – would make things so much more fun for the agency.

(via The FWA)

Geeks Love Action Figures

21 Jan

The ones in our office do at least. PointRoll dropped off boxes and boxes of their FatBoy action figures a couple of weeks ago. I’m eyewonder partial, myself. But they don’t have action figures, so my allegiance is swaying. I respond better to liquor however, so keep that in mind.


The Best Site. Ever. Seriously.

18 Jan

Our art director comes down the hallway, all moody and unshaven as usual, and says, “Can you come down to my office? I want to show you something. Have you ever played doctor? I read WebMD a lot. No, seriously though..” and then he and our ACD promptly show me this fabulous site called KnickerPicker. This is how video can really work for your clients in an ecommerce environment. Our AD and ACD like it because you can zoom in on half-naked women, pick from different size women and change their bra and panties. I like it because it truly is a virtual dressing room – without those silly avatars that have been used in recent years that were unwieldy and time-consuming. The girls are not half-bad to look at either. The guys here like the girl on the right, because she’s got a little junk in her trunk (not the girl below). Now I’ve got to go to the gym tonight and do 500 lunges. Or just eat a doughnut. No clue about the agency who did the creative, but if you know, please share. UPDATE: Creative by scenestealer – again, very, very nice work.

(via The FWA)

Who Can Use Rich Media?

18 Jan

Seems each presentation we do for a client about xx number of people can use rich media/video on the web contains some kind of stats like the ones below from eMarketer. I haven’t found any consistency whatsoever in statistics like these – some say 80% of households have broadband, some say 50%. So agencies just use the ones that can help them sell in a project, because no one really knows what the actual numbers are. Not that I would do that.

Vintage Rich Media

27 Nov

“Vintage” in this case is less than a year old. But MGM Grand‘s site is still one of the prettiest interactive pieces out there in my opinion. Deserves a second look. Creative by Sid Lee.

MGM Grand

Tart Tolerance

23 Nov

It’s that time of year when client-facing people like me have to take all their accounts out for holiday cheer. I cut back a little on my drinking recently, to detox before the onslaught. I thought I’d lost my tolerance. But after taking clients out on Monday afternoon and drinking very heavily (and by that I mean 10 hours of liquored-up goodness), I think I still have the goods. Bring it on. I’m ready.

This site for Wyborowa vodka by W+K Amsterdam is fabulous. Perfectly executed. Superb video work. Makes me thirsty. I think I’ll drink that bottle of ultra-premium vodka I just bought for a client instead of giving it to him. I’ll get him something a desktop clock..something he can use.


(via The FWA)

We’ll Be Sucking Eternally

5 Oct

The Altoids site is strange and beautiful at the same time and incredibly deep. I wonder what the production time was on it. One warning – do not attempt to send the e-card unless you have 5 – 10 minutes to watch the preview. It’s overly long. Impressive job by WDDG.


Beer. That Golden Nectar Of Life.

3 Oct

Or, a Stella just tastes damn good with a plate of overcooked fries. Glad I stopped at 2 last night, I’m attempting to keep to my promise at least twice a week. Brand New School has done the most amusing shorts for DDB Chicago for the site Here’s To Beer. Premise is you’re having a beer with various historical celebrities. I quite like the Earl of Sandwich. Or maybe I just like sandwiches. Mmmm. I’m hungry. Either way, nice job by DDB to engage Brand New School. Check out the shorts at the microsite or at BNS’ project page.


Come On Eileen

1 Oct

This European microsite for Wrangler Jeans was really well done by Emakina. I think the video is embedded perfectly, the art direction’s great, everything. But I have 2 questions: 1) are Wrangler jeans popular in Europe? If so, this disturbs me, and 2) why do the models look like they’re from a Dexy’s Midnight Runners video?


(via Favourite Website Awards)

I Amaze Myself Constantly

19 Sep

Usually, I defer to our strategic team in meetings to speak to branding, etc. Not because I lack strategic vision, but because I always end up saying something inappropriate. This morning was a role switch. I came up with a brilliant online strategy on the spot for my client (without caffeine, I might add) and my client said “butt plug” four times.

The microsite below for General Mills’ Eat Better America is brilliantly done. Subject matter, not compelling (at least to me). But what mono and Daddy AB did with it is what’s so fabulous. Engaging interactivity without losing the call to action.

The Good Food Fight

Early Morning Martinis

18 Sep

Just a thought. This flash site for Absolut featuring Lomo photography from around the world is simply beautiful. And don’t get me started on the ambient sound design – I’m just leaving it on at my desk all day even though it’s only a 7 second loop. Very, very nicely done.
